Small Batch, Stone Milled
100% Whole Grain
Fresh Local Flour
Fresh Local Flour

As Greater Los Angeles’ first urban flour mill in almost 100 years, we are reviving one of history’s most important crafts but with a fresh modern approach.
It turns out not all wheat is created equal and neither is all flour. As a baker’s most important building block, it should enhance, improve an even inspire. Flour is not just flour. Additional research and exploration gave even more clarity: if we wanted better flour, flour with more flavor and character, we were going to have to mill it ourselves.
What you will find here is a resource for top quality freshly milled flour, an exploration of wheat, milling and baking, and an unapologetic rejection of the status quo. We do not mill like other mills. We make only the finest 100% whole grain flour – no sifting to create refined or high extraction flour here! Each grain is its own journey and can only be fully appreciated when all of the flavor, aroma and textural components remain in the flour.
Now Milling India-Jammu
We have been waiting 12 years for a farmer to grow this Landrace wheat! India-Jammu is a hard white wheat variety, selected by Monica Spiller. Even with modern wheat selections, it’s a challenge to find white wheat that is a strong for bread baking as the modern hard red wheat varieties. With India-Jammu we have the best of both worlds – pale golden color and soft milky flavors with enough gluten strength to be a stand alone bread flour. Please order your bag today and help us convince our California growers that the marketplace is ready to support their efforts.
Peace goes into the making of a poem as flour goes into the making of bread.
Pablo Neruda
We are only as good as the grain we source. Everything begins and ends in the field, which is why our most important work is building relationships with farmers who share our vision of diversity, quality and sustainability

California grown wheat is the backbone of our business. Our Hard Red and Hard White varieties can’t be beat for baking strength.

Our fresh milled Polenta and Cornmeal have a very loyal following. Our stone ground corn is superior in flavor and texture.

Older wheat varieties that naturally adapted to their place are critical for flavor diversity and climate change.

The precursors to modern wheat: Einkorn, Emmer and Spelt are revelations for modern baking.